Thursday, March 8, 2007

Wanted: Miami Stadium Deal PR manager

I won't dwell here, as my stance is clearly evident from previous posts. New article today, same gist as County Commissioners now coming from City of Miami commissioners. At least some progress is being made, but the vagueness of the plan and lack of site analysis/success-failure evidence is setting this whole process up to perhaps be a failure.

And, to just get ya scratching your head a little more, we have Miami City Manager Pete Hernandez saying last week, concerning the City's attempts to respond to/fund Orange Bowl renovations needed to keep UM Hurricane football in the OB:
''There's a big gap,'' Hernandez said. ``We're looking at the revenue streams to see what we can do. I'm optimistic. There are ways it can be done. Within 45 to 60 days, we'll have an idea of the viability of this.'',
and now saying about the baseball stadium:
''The downtown site looked good. However, I think that other sites in Miami, including the Orange Bowl, could be very good sites ..."

Those are two 100% contradicting statements from the same City Manager in a span of less than 7 days.

Confusion. Which way is he going? Which way is Miami going? I try to avoid being a conspiracy theorist, but is someone/something/$$$ pushing this decision one way or another, in a direction that in my opinion is not beneficial to Miami.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.