Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Hello all. I don't know if this is cliche to say, but I am not typically prone to be a blogger. I have never been successful at upkeeping something of this sort, whether it be a journal or webpage. However, I am challenging myself through this page because I feel I have unfulfilled potential in my life, and I'm not sure what outlet I'm supposed to fulfill it through, but I thought I would give this a shot as a beginning.

I am a 24 year old urban planner with lots of thoughts and ideas that I want to express and have others comment on. I read quite a few blogs about my local area, Miami, and I find myself frustrated many times with the postings and comments I see. So rather than just aimlessly and constantly comment on people's pages, I decided to start posting my own original thoughts.

The main theme of my thoughts goes something like this: I love urban spaces, have and always will. I love Miami. I love other big cities in the world. I am idealistic. But I am training myself to become more realistic, and mold my ideas into tools that can actually accomplish something in our realistic unfair world. I attended a great university where I was surrounded with so many different disciplines of thought and perspectives, I have worked within the office of one of Miami's City Commissioners, I have worked for a private transportation engineering firm and an architecture firm, and am now working for a private planning firm that works with both private developers and government clients. My point being that I think I have seen a good amount of planning perspectives, and am starting to understand how difficult urban planning is (both from the private and public side). There is no one right or wrong way, and too many critics act like there is. So I am here to try and spill some thoughts on ways to find the compromise between all these forces.

Wish me luck.